Name of Business: Browers Cleaning Services LLC
Location: McKinney, Texas
Tell us about your business: Browers Cleaning Services is a one-stop commercial cleaning company servicing all of Collin and North Dallas Counties. We are a minority and family owned/operated business. Our focus is small businesses who want to make sure that their locations are a representation of their business and think that it costs too much to have a professional service come in and clean. The majority owner of the company has taken his 25 plus years of experience working at large companies such as Disney World, Office Depot Corporate Headquarters, Amway Arena in Orlando, and a 3 million square foot office complex and channeled that to working with small business owners.
How have you benefited from being an Ambassador- or comment about your experience – Why are you an Ambassador?: I became an Ambassador as I want to become more involved not just in the community that I live in but also the business community. I am interested in learning more about the various businesses that are in McKinney and why they chose this city as their location. As an Ambassador, I also get to meet with and learn about different individuals.
Tell us about your involvement in the community:As I have just completed my MBA, I was not very involved in the community however this will be changing. Last Christmas I volunteered at Santa on the Square and look forward to being able to be involved in more events like this. I hope to start learning more about the community that we live in and seeing how I can make a difference.
What are your hobbies? My hobbies include reading, spending time with my family, and always learning new things.
Tell us a little about you and your family: I am originally from Jacksonville, FL and moved to Texas about 6 years ago. I am recently married to my longtime partner. While I do not have any children of my own, I have a Goddaughter who is my heart, a stepdaughter who is graduating college in May, and a Boxer who acts just like a child. I have my MBA and a Mater’s in Forensic Psychology. I love to learn new things and feel that education of any kind is important for everyone and for us to grow as a society.