Name of Business or Organization
Globe Life Family Heritage Division
Tell us about your business
Family Heritage offers affordable supplemental insurance products to help small business owners and families pay their bills, if they are sick or injured and can’t work for 3 months to a few years. With our Return of Premium benefit, we refund all your premiums to you, less any claims, in the future.
How you have benefited from being an Ambassador?
Serving as an ambassador has been a great way to ensure new members that there is a support network behind them that will help drive awareness in the community, and provides a valuable touchpoint for exisiting members to learn what’s changed in their businesses and how the Chamber can support them moving forward. I also love to connect people, and found many opportunities to make those connections as an ambassador.
Tell us about your involvement in the Community?
I serve on the LifePath Systems Foundation Board, support and volunteer with Community Lifeline Center and Direction 61:3, and am an active member of my church. I’m also a LINKS committee member.
Tell us a bit about yourself and your family.
Vickie and I have been married 36 short years, and have horses, a miniature donkey, dogs, and cats on our little property in Anna. We own a travel business, enjoy planning vacations for our clients, and love to travel as often as possible. While we live in Anna, our lives are very McKinney-centric and we LOVE “Mac Town”!