A Resounding Success in Community Engagement

by | Jun 14, 2024 | 0 comments


The SERVE McKinney event, a free, come-and-go community gathering designed to foster volunteerism and board participation, concluded with tremendous success, leaving a lasting impact on both attendees and participating organizations. Held at Collin County Community College, this event drew an impressive turnout, featuring over 70 501(c)3 non-profit organizations and City Boards and Commissions. Each group was eager to share their missions and engage with individuals passionate about contributing to the community.

The event’s primary goal was to connect community members with volunteer opportunities and board positions, facilitating meaningful involvement and positive change within McKinney. The diverse array of participating organizations provided countless opportunities for attendees to find a cause they felt passionate about and to make valuable connections.

One non-profit representative highlighted the dual benefits of the event, stating, “It was important not only for those looking for volunteer opportunities but also for non-profits that need to add to their referral sources.” This sentiment was echoed by many others, showcasing the event’s significant role in strengthening the fabric of the local community through increased collaboration and support.

The successful turnout and enthusiastic participation were made possible thanks to the generous support of the event sponsor, Credit Union of Texas (CUTX), and the dedicated efforts of the Leadership McKinney Alumni. Their organization and support were instrumental in creating an environment where community engagement could thrive.

SERVE McKinney proved to be an extraordinary event, reinforcing the community’s commitment to volunteerism and civic involvement. The connections made and the enthusiasm generated promise a brighter, more engaged future for McKinney. We look forward to seeing the positive ripple effects of this event as attendees take their next steps in making a difference.

For those who missed the event but are still interested in getting involved, many of the participating organizations welcome ongoing inquiries. Your passion and dedication can make a significant impact—join us in serving McKinney and creating a stronger, more connected community.

Thank you FredShots for our amazing event Photos