Name of Business or Organization: McCutchan Advisory Services
Your location: 300 E Davis St Ste 131, McKinney Tx 75069
3400 N Central Expressway Ste 100, Richardson, Tx 75080
Tell us about your business. We provide services for individuals and businesses. Whether a business needs bookkeeping, strategic planning, tax preparation and tax planning services. For individuals we provide daily money management services, tax preparation and tax planning services.
How you have benefited from being an Ambassador, or comment on your Ambassador experience / Why are you an Ambassador? It is amazing to see the growth and the businesses that are coming to McKinney.
Tell us about your involvement in the Community? Do mission work with the church locally and internationally.
What are your hobbies? Playing games with my son, relaxing and watching movies, cooking
Tell us a bit about yourself and your family. I have two kiddos. My daughter Jasmine is 19 and engaged. She is going to nail tech school in July. My son Aiden is 12 and we are currently homeschool. He is currently doing martial arts since football season has ended. We have two dogs, lab mix and a standard poodle, and a cat that is 17 years old.